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Those who commit to pray will be asked to:


1. Invest at least 15 minutes a day in fervent prayer. Time slots of 15 or 30 minutes will be available around the clock.


2. Recruit at least two other brothers or sisters who will be fervent in prayer before the end of your commitment. *Please do not let this goal keep you from joining. Sign up and  spread the word as best you can.


3. Find a prayer partner to fill your slot when you cannot keep your committment.


4. Pray for a few specific requests sent out each Saturday for the upcoming week of prayer.


5. Report any answered prayers that can be posted as testimonies. This is very important!


6. Pray for Eternal Prayer Flame (this work of mobilizing and encouraging each other to consistent and persistent prayer).

See which time slots are available

Check out which time slots are aflame with prayer and which ones still need an intercessor to take up the baton!

Commit to Pray

Welcome to the movement!

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